
‘Survivor’ season finale recap: The Right Person Won

Image credit: CBS FIVE ALIVE Five women walked into the finale, but only one walked out a million dollars richer ($1,100,000, to be exact).

Image credit: CBS FIVE ALIVE

Five women walked into the finale, but only one walked out a million dollars richer ($1,100,000, to be


It’s no secret

that I wasn’t crazy about this season of Survivor. Just not enough likeable people and not

enough signature moments for my taste. But there is something satisfying about watching the most

deserving player from the starting line to the finish line being rewarded for their efforts. And that

is what happened on Survivor: One World when Kim Spradlin was crowned the winner. Kim may not

have the on-screen charm or charisma that Tom Westman, Parvati Shallow, or Boston Rob had, but her win

was every bit as impressive.

There are three aspects to Survivor: the social, the

strategic, and the physical. Kim was head and shoulders better than anyone else in all three

categories. She duped Troyzan, She duped Jay. She duped Alicia and Christina. She duped everyone. And

not in a mean way, but in a smart way. And she won four individual immunities as icing on the cake. The

thing that truly sealed the deal for…

[Door busts open to Ross residence; in walks a

scraggly looking man in a buff]

Dalton: “Ummm Troyzan, what are you doing


Troyzan: “Look, you, just so you know, Mr. Fancy Recapper guy, that is still my island,

okay? People say I’m just like Richard Hatch…only better!”

Dalton: “Okay. If you say


Troyzan: “Let me just ask you one thing. Just one thing. Tell me the moment where in your

mind you basically decimated my chances of winning this game. And you better tell me the right answer,

or else!”

Dalton: “Or else what?”

Troyzan: “Or else I’m going to vote for Sabrina to take

over your recaps.”

Dalton; “Sabrina?”

Troyzan” Yes, Sabrina. She’s a teacher so at least

she won’t have any many stupid typos as you do.”

Dalton: “Harsh, but fair.”

Troyzan: “So

when was it? When was the moment you demolished in your mind my chances of winning this


Dalton: “I suppose the moment I found out you called yourself Troyzan.”


“SABRINA, GET OVER HERE! I’M VOTING FOR YOU AGAIN! Pssst, I vote for her for something anytime I don’t

like what people tell me.”

Dalton: “Okay, well, can I just finish that one last recap at


Troyzan: “Fine, but make sure to talk all about how much sense my final vote made. And

how I’ve played the best game that anyone has ever seen.”

Dalton: “Oh, yeah, definitely. One for

the ages, buddy!”

Okay, sorry about that. Back to our regularly scheduled recap. Unfortunately,

Kim had no legitimate competition, which is why the journey for One World viewers felt so

unfulfilling at times this season. But if you like to see greatness rewarded, then the end couldn’t

help but be satisfying. After all, what was the alternative? Alicia?!? (After all, according to her,

she and Kim are total twinsies!) Okay, let’s take it from the top in an episode that provided one great

challenge, one not so great challenge, the return of an old friend, and the redemption of Kat


Every Survivor finale has one big, huge, epic

challenge, and tonight’s first competition fit the bill. The players had to untie ropes to open a gate,

race across a giant balance beam maze, traverse a rope net while collecting five bags of puzzle pieces,

and then use pieces to solve puzzle, which would give them clues to three numbers. Okay, let me stop

and catch my breath for a second. Alright, then they had to use those three numbers to solve the

combination lock.

There were a lot of different elements to this challenge, meaning that even

though Christina got through the gate first, the other players had plenty of time to beat her by an

embarrassing amount of time — well, players not named “Sabrina” at least. Alicia and Chelsea were the

first ones through the maze and onto the rope net, where Alicia tried the very unique strategy of

untying other peoples’ bags for them. It is quite telling that this is the nicest thing Alicia has done

for anyone all season — and it was completely by accident.

But the real excitement was at the

end as Kim and Alicia both went to enter the number combos, only to be denied and have to run down and

check their numbers again. This opened a window for Chelsea who ran up and tried her three numbers. No

good. Their were so many wrong numbers floating around I have expected David Krumholtz and the cast of

canceled CBS drama Numb3rs to show up and start berating everyone. Krumholtz! Talk all you

want, but you’ll never live down that backwards e in the shape of a 3, my man. Eventually Kim won,

because that’s what she does.

Idol Thoughts
Kim’s victory created an

interesting decision, because she also had that hidden immunity idol she stuffed next to her vagina a

while back. The next Tribal Council would be the last one at which she could play it. But now that she

didn’t even need the idol, would she give it to Chelsea? “I don’t know that I’ve ever felt more

comfortable going into a Tribal,” said Chelsea. Gulp! And now Kim was left to regret her earlier

tomfoolery. “At the time it seemed like such a smart thing to tell Chelsea about the idol. I can

honestly say sitting here today that I wish she didn’t know.” How many times have people regretting

blabbing about the idol? It’s a vicious cycle.

And now Kim was left with the thought that if she

decided to vote her best buddy Chelsea out, not only would she be sore about being backstabbed, but she

might feel one extra layer of betrayal due to Kim not using the idol to save her. Did this contribute

to Kim’s decision to vote out Alicia at the next Tribal Council instead? Hard to say, but it may have.

The difference between Chelsea and Alicia as people was crystal clear in their comments while voting

for each other’s ouster.

Chelsea: “Alicia, I love you like a sister.”

Alicia: “Chelsea,

you’ll be just fine.” (America’s sweetheart, ladies and gentlemen!)

Kim ended up not giving

Chelsea the idol, but didn’t need to since her swing vote sent Alicia out of the game, causing a nation

to collectively celebrate. Strangers hugging strangers in the street! Cats high-pawing dogs! People

whose job it is to blur out protruding ass cheeks finally being able to take a break and breathe easy.

And then came Alicia’s final words: “The game is done. I’m out. I am definitely not a sore loser. I’m

proud of Kim. She fooled me completely.” Hey, maybe Alicia isn’t so bad after all. Maybe I’ve been way

too hard on her this whole time. Oh, wait, she’s not done talking. “And Christina, I brought you there.

All those girls wanted you out from day one, so good job, Christina. Bask in it, because you suck right

now.” Annnnnnnd she’s back.

The Return of an Old (And Always Mocked)

When it comes to ’80s glam metal, Cinderella was one of the worst. For one thing,

that’s just an awful name for a band. Whenever they tried to act all tough, all you had to do was pull

them aside and say, “Dude, you’re Cinderella.” (And then the drummer would be all like, “Dammit! I told

you we should have called ourselves The Decapitated Demons! None of you ever listen to me ‘cause I’m

just the drummer! Show a little respect!!!”) But Cinderella did have one wonderfully stupid power

ballad called “Don’t Know What You Got (Till It’s Gone).” The song was simply unforgettable, mostly due

to the fact that the singer was playing the piano out in the middle of a desert for no good reason


But I am reminded of that band and that song as we all bore witness to the glorious

return of the Fallen Comrades tribute. Poor Fallen Comrades tribute. It’s been missing for the past few

seasons — as Probst explained, they simply had too much other great stuff to show instead. Not a

problem this year! So it was back. Look, no one on the planet Earth has made more fun of the stupid

Fallen Comrades montage than me. I always found it hilarious how players who barely spent any time —

and often no time — with someone else would be forced to wax poetic about that person. (“Oh,

man. Frank was…um, a guy…and…yeah, he, like, totally was here. Great job, Frank.”)

But I gotta

tell you something — I don’t know if absence made the heart grow fonder or if it is merely a sign of

what a yawner this season has been, but damn if I wasn’t kinda okay with getting some Fallen Comrades

action back. After all, without it, we wouldn’t have gotten to hear Rooster Matt tell us he’s still the

best. We wouldn’t have gotten the amusement of watching Colton running in slow motion during a

challenge. And we wouldn’t have gotten to hear Alicia tells us how she fell in love with herself out

there, which just may have been the funniest thing we heard all episode. Scratch that — all season!

Working against the Fallen Comrades montage, however, were the all too numerous shots of hairy Tarzan

in his ball-busting underwear.

The Not-So-Super Bowl
The final challenge is

almost always some sort of endurance test. One that truly tests your resolve and often pushes you to

limits of physical pain to see who wants it the most. Not this time. The Survivor challenge

team have been experimenting with various stacking competitions over the past few years, but those have

usually been about who can hold onto that stack the longest. Not this time.

This season’s final

challenge was a race. A race to move 10 small bowls — that must then be stacked on top of each other —

through a steal channel resting on a spring. First one to get all 10 through and stacked wins. I have

to admit, I was disappointed. I love that anticipation of the endurance test. Who’s gonna drop? Who’s

gonna falter? And while the design of this challenge was impressive, the end result of watching people

move little bowls around wasn’t quite the epic capper I was hoping for. Oh, and P.S. Kim won. Of course

she did.

Christina Goes Out Quietly
Everyone knew Christina was the next to

go — and that included Christina herself because Kim told her. Probst gave her a hard time for not

fighting more, and while yes, Christina should have fought more all season, once Alicia was gone, it

was clear Christina was next, making the next Tribal Council about as uneventful as Christina’s entire

game. Bye, Christina. I’m not sure why everyone hated you so much. But at the same time, I’m kinda glad

you didn’t make the finals. Just didn’t do enough. Didn’t do anything, really. So after we heard all

the sob stories from the last three and they enjoyed their finalist feast, we were off to the final

Tribal Council.

The Jury Speaks!
So the only real question heading into the

final Tribal Council was — will this be a jury that honors the best player, or a bunch of bitter

Betties who refuse to reward the person who did a better job than they did? Chelsea — my episode 1 pick

to win it all — pulled a sweet move and asked to stand while she made her opening statement (this was

something that Coach told me he would do if he made the South Pacific finals…and then didn’t;

Albert also tweeted me that he asked producers if he could stand and they said no). Chelsea said

something about having a hard time voting out Jonas and then shutting down any emotional connections.

Sabrina tried the unique strategy of telling the jury that, “I chose not to step up” in both challenges

and voting people out. So I guess you could call that the “I Suck” defense. Or maybe it was part of her

sympathy plea, the same way that she also told them how she had been fired from teaching kids “in the

toughest place in the world.”

And then we got to the Jury questions. Sometimes the “questions”

weren’t actually questions at all (Jonas to Sabrina: “Out there at the challenges, it’s amazing how bad

you sucked.”), sometimes they were loaded questions (Christina to Chelsea: “Why do you hate people?”),

and sometimes they were just a dude saying lots of words I have never heard before (Tarzan). And then

there was Leif, who used his time as a therapy session for himself to figure out why he was voted out.

It’s not that hard, Leif. It’s because YOU HAVE A PENIS! Take a look at the final 5. What did they all

have in common? There’s your answer.

Alicia took a different tack. She decided — in perhaps the

least shocking development of the season — to talk all about herself and how incredible she was! “Kim,

you and I play this game very similar. I was a kingpin, I had my pawns, Christina and Tarzan. Homegirl,

you know if I was sitting next to you, you’d be s—ting bricks right now. Because without you getting

me out, I would have had more chances of wining that money than any of yous.”


Troyzan asked Kim what would seem to be an innocent question about when she made

the move that demolished his game, but instead it only served as a bizarre justification for his

nonsensical vote for Sabrina to be the million dollar winner.

The big question, of course, was

how many guns blazing Kat would come out with. Kat, who began the season by jumping in the water

repeatedly in a challenge even when she didn’t have to. Kat, who farted on people for giggles. Kat, who

chose people to come on the reward based on how much fun they would be to get drunk with. Kat who

laughed about how hilarious it would be to blindside someone, only to be blindsided herself. Kat who

came off like an immature and uncaring party girl the entire season. I was ready for some crazy

unwarranted bitterness. And it never came.

I’ll admit it. I rolled my eyes when she started by

pulling an Alicia and making her comments all about herself while the piano music swelled as she talked

about her open heart surgeries. But then she started addressing the jury. And she told them something

that was so crazy, it actually made sense! Hey, here’s an idea, she said. How about we vote for the

person who actually played the best game? How about we don’t base our decision on who made us angry

because they were better than us? “It takes a lot more energy to be angry about what happened in this

game,” said Kat “And it’s a lot easier to smile and to forgive and be happy, so that’s what I’m gonna


Ladies and gentlemen, if I weren’t so lazy and glued to my couch while covered in a sea of

sour cream and onion potato chips, I would stand up right now and give Kat a slow clap for that

wonderful speech. The redemption of Kat Edorsson is complete. The most important impression is the last

one you make, and Kat’s last impression was very, very good.

The Win Is

So Kim scored seven out of nine votes, with only Tarzan and Leif being the only ones

stubborn/stupid enough to not vote for the best player in the game. They went for Sabrina, although it

is unclear whether they were voting for her horrible performance in challenges, complete lack of

strategy, or refusal to do any work around camp. (It’s so hard to choose!) Whatever for them. At least

the rest of the jury did the right thing and Kim is now a million dollars richer. The only thing left

for us to do is see what sort of lunacy breaks out at the Reunion show.

Reunion Show

Odds & Ends
• Jeff Probst asked Matt what the hell he was thinking when the men agreed

to go to Tribal Council even though they had won immunity. Great question…to the wrong person! Turns

out Matt had already been voted out when that happened. Whoops!

• I am not sure if Bill’s hair

and silver suit are part of his comedy act or not, but they had me laughing. The initial

reaction is to wonder if he’s the long lost bongo player from The Revolution, but if you ask me, his

look had more of a Ready For The World “Oh Sheila” vibe to it. And remember what’s good for the goose,

is good for the gander.

• Colton. Ugh. He started to apologize (kinda), but then couldn’t resist

a dig by saying “At the same sense, when I left, everybody said it got boring.” No, Colton. It was

boring even when you were on. Eventually, Probst worked his way into the audience to talk to Colton’s

mommy Martha, who was not happy with her son at all. “The truth is I want to go up there right now and

say, ‘Colton, this is not what you’re supposed to be saying.’”

She then apologized for Colton

and it could have ended right there. But it didn’t. Because then it got awkward.  Probst mentioned to

Martha how Colton told him how he came out of the closet very young and was “accepted immediately.

There were no issues with being gay.”  Martha stammered for a bit, scrunched up her face and eventually

just stopped talking altogether. Probst rephrased the point to get her back on track, talking about the

love and support Colton had from his family after coming out as gay. The reply: “Well, he doesn’t have

that from all of his family.” And then, a silence that seemed to last approximately 5,827 years. I

mean, FOREVER! That’s live television for you.

• Wait, what is freakin’ Blossom doing at the

Survivor reunion? And why is she talking about Colton? It seems Mayim Bialik is a big

Survivor fan. “There are a lot of aspects to Colton that are really fabulous,” she said. She

then went on to say how’d she’d love to see Colton back on Survivor again, a declaration that

might just be the worst decision Mayim Bialik has made since daring to appear alongside Shamu the

killer whale on Sea World’s Mother Earth Celebration. And hold on, now some other random dude

is talking about how Colton is a great villain just like Russell, but thankfully he is completely

drowned out by the rest of the infinitely more sane audience.

• Did Jeff Probst just imply that

Tarzan’s wife yells out “Tarzan!” during sex? I really, really, really wish I had not been provided

with that information.

• Christina = hot.

• Kim beat Troyzan, Tarzan, and Chelsea (and

everyone else for that natter) out for the Sprint fan favorite vote for another $100,000. I don’t know

if that was an exciting choice, but it was probably the right one. Which also says a little something

about this season. A big something actually.

• I want to like Troyzan. I really do. But I hate

the way he refuses to admit that he got played by Kim. And the way he still refuses to admit it was a

bad idea for the men to go to Tribal Council after they won immunity. And now the way he claims that

people are telling him that “You played the game the best I’ve ever seen.” The best they’ve ever

seen?!? Have they seen, like, anything? And comparing you to Richard Hatch? Maybe the dude who played

Apollo on Battlestar Galactica, but certainly not the fat naked guy who taught the entire

country how to play this game.

Okay, guys. I’m almost out of gas. But a few more things before

we wrap up. We have an exclusive deleted scene from the finale in the video player below. Plus, I’ll be

speaking to newly crowned Survivor champ Kim Spradlin on Monday morning so look for that soon.

Also keep an eye out for my Q&A with host Jeff Probst, which will be coming soon as well. Speaking

of Probst, I spoke

to him out on location of Survivor: Philippines about the next season and the new twist and he

talks about it right here. And for Survivor coverage all year long, you can follow me on

Twitter @DaltonRoss.

Thanks a lot for playing

along for another season. I’ve been doing this for a looooooong time, but I love the community we have

built here and am proud to be a part of it. Now go have it at on the message boards and share your

thoughts about the finale and whether the right person won, and I’ll be back next fall with another

huge, bottomless scoop of the crispy!